• Topic 2 - Exercise 3

    Create and Record Your Online Persona

    Will you have a persistent avatar across all your social
    networks and virtual environments ? Why or why not?

    When I joined Facebook I filled in the basic information about myself. I have my family’s names etc in my information but don’t have it displayed in my profile. Mainly I decided not to include information that was personal - no addresses or phone numbers etc.  As this was to be part of the subject criteria for ICT510, I did include my educational information as at the time I thought it was relevant.


    I decided to place a photo of myself on my page - I have done that previously on websites etc and not had any problems with them and thought that it might help some of the other students studying 510 to put a face to the name. That is one thing I have found with distance education - you can feel isolated from others. Read the rest of this entry »

  • Using Social Networks and Online Communities - some thoughts

    My Experiences with Online Communities - 1

    Well, this subject is all about Social Networking and Online Communities and I think I am actually beginning to catch on. I could say I am hooked. I have used MSN for years, ICQ as well and have found them great for keeping in touch with friends and their families but really not much more.

    I have also spent many hours(much to my husband’s dismay!) accessing , chat rooms, mailing lists, emailing etc. as I have followed a passion of mine - genealogy. Strange, though that, previously, I never really saw them as online communities or thought of them in terms of the “learning” they were providing. My list would be a couple of kms long, if I were to write down all the things I have learned from those online communities!!

    Even now, I see MSN, in a new light.  Read the rest of this entry »