• Topic 8 - Exercise 3

    Data portability, FOAF and the Semantic Web

    1.  Begin with the YouTube video at http://www.foaf-project.org/community

    I found this video an interesting and novel way to get an IT based message across to an audience.  It does it though - reminding  the viewer  that for each social networking site you sign up to, you have to fill in the same data or information about yourself over and over again and how much easier life would be if you could just “get your date out” once.  One size to fit all, saving time and energy and letting you get on with the social side of social networking.

    2. Like a chain letter, our data seems to move within and between
    tools like Facebook and Twitter. Is this a good thing

    People’s web presence forms part of their identity so they should have the right to move their information wherever, whenever they wish.  It is understandable that a business - once you sign up with it - is going to do everything in its power to keep you tied to them. They may use the term ’service’ but ultimately they are businesses and like all other businesses need to make a profit to stay in business.  The number of people they have within their network has to be the clincher for the advertising attached to sites that ultimately makes them money.

    Giving users flexibility to move, if they want to, from one network to another and take their data with them, could possibly be what spurs network creators to do better things with their sites and software - so that people won’t want to leave. In that way there are benefits to all parties. Sites keep their numbers and users keep their data and options to use it wherever they like.

    I have to admit, I am over filling in the same information repetitively in order to access sites that offer social networking software and facilities but that is more to do with laziness than retention of my own identity or data. Read the rest of this entry »

  • Using Social Networks and Online Communities - more thoughts….

    My Experiences with Online Communities - 2

    In my quest to discover and learn about Folksonomies, I realised just how involved the topic is. I managed to get my FOAF - Friend of a Friend - file completed and will be interested to see if or how that all works. The concept behind it is great, but in my mind I am still trying to get my head around the idea of trying to connect everyone who uses the world wide web in some way. I found it a little obscure, but perhaps I don’t fully understand it all? Read the rest of this entry »