• Pod Meeting - 27/10/09

    Meeting 7

    Tonight we got together and finalised our recommendations. Even though it has been a hard slog and each member of the group has had their challenges, I think we have really pulled together as a group to create them. It has been amazing watching that final document evolving over the last couple of days and see how contributions were made for the good of the group and its overall goal - not for individuals. No-one was precious about the writing and we edited and revised what went on the page as well as discussing in the chat window of Etherpad, about the best way to go about things, whether things looked right or made sense. Overall, I think that this was probably the best learning session of all - thanks to RedPod members Liz, Ben and Mel.

  • Pod Meeting - 26/10/09

    Meeting 6

    Wow, I am actually quite blown away after tonight’s meeting. I really think RedPod outdid itself tonight. It has been a pretty long haul this semester for most of us. Personally I have found the constant input quite difficult - with two subjects at CSU, a family to cater to as well as work. I know I will never take on this workload again and I began to think that none of it would come together.

    It looks like we have just abou achieved it after tonight, though.  This was our meeting to put together all our findings and make some recommendations to our CIO in our Podtask scenario. As we needed to be able to edit our work together we decided to meet in Etherpad so we could take advantage of the interactive pad we could use to write on together. Our meeting began at about 8.30 - had to be a little later because Liz is an hour and a half behind us. We chatted and worked and chatted and roused each other and worked some more and joked around a bit.  Our meeting ended just after 11.00pm and we had the major part of our document done. I was impressed with the way we collaborated on this document it was a great job. Not so good was Etherpad, we had quite a few issues with it dropping in and out which was a nuisance, but, as we were all determined to get this done - we worked around it.  I am hoping to get into Etherpad again tomorrow and do some tweaking so that our document is just about ready for another meeting tomorrow night to finish off.  An excellent, productive, meeting.

    PS - Liz and I have both spent some time on Etherpad today and we have a great document nearly ready to be published.  Tonight we should zoom through to get it finished.


  • Using Etherpad

    Using Etherpad 5/8/09

    Ken sent  a link to enter etherpad through my normal email address a few days before the meeting was scheduled to occur.


    Ken Eustace has shared an EtherPad document with you. 

    View it here and can we meet there again this WED 5 August at 11am or 7pm AEST?: 


    Sent by cyber.etherpad.com at the request of an EtherPad user.

    It was a little confusing as when the link was clicked on it went through to a site and then the screen hung with a message in the middle of it that said waiting acceptance. After a while it came up as being denied.  The meeting was scheduled for 7.00pm on the 5th August so around that time I tried to log in again.  This time I went through to a screen that looked similar to this, although there were more people logged into the pad and their names were listed on the right hand side of the screen. 

    Etherpad Screenshot

    Etherpad Screenshot

    The left hand side of the screen is for collaborative document creation and on completion can be exported out of the website as html, text or pdf document. The right hand side of the screen is for chat purposes and is much like any other chat set-up.  I find these a little confusing when a large group is using them as you are unsure who questions are being addressed to etc and the chat can often move so quickly that conversation can be missed or lost.After using the pad for a while we were encouraged to create our own pad so that each POD colour group - the groupings that Ken had allocated before these sessions began - could have their own pad to possibly use for online collaboration on tasks. Read the rest of this entry »