• Topic 6 - Exercise 1

    Design rules and your CSU Forum experience

     EMT 501 - was my first contact with a subject that was relatively unstructured.  We had basic guidelines, but could focus on any area we liked and present our work in any format we liked as an e-portfolio. We were given particular tasks to complete for inclusion in the portfolio but were encouraged to look in depth at a particular area where we felt a need to develop skills.

    As students undertaking the course we had to make the effort to join the CSU forum initially - that was our responsibility. It didn’t just magically appear - we had to go looking for it and add it to our forum group. I know this gave me a sense of joining a group of like-minded people and helped me focus on the subject and processes I needed to undertake  it successfully.

    My experience with the online forum for this subject was that we were a large, varied group driven by a common goal -  understanding of the task/s at hand and subject completion. This helped us support each other particularly during the times leading up to assessment submission and completion. We often pooled ideas or called on a member’s skills in particular areas of ICT to help with tasks. Read the rest of this entry »

  • Using Social Networks and Online Communities - some thoughts

    My Experiences with Online Communities - 1

    Well, this subject is all about Social Networking and Online Communities and I think I am actually beginning to catch on. I could say I am hooked. I have used MSN for years, ICQ as well and have found them great for keeping in touch with friends and their families but really not much more.

    I have also spent many hours(much to my husband’s dismay!) accessing , chat rooms, mailing lists, emailing etc. as I have followed a passion of mine - genealogy. Strange, though that, previously, I never really saw them as online communities or thought of them in terms of the “learning” they were providing. My list would be a couple of kms long, if I were to write down all the things I have learned from those online communities!!

    Even now, I see MSN, in a new light.  Read the rest of this entry »